Tips for Students and Parents

General Tips

Read with your child(ren).  Read to them and have them read to you.  Discuss what you read and what you think about the material.  Read a variety of things - fiction, nonfiction, newspaper articles, magazines, even recipes.

Talk to your child(ren).  Ask them about their day.  Tell them about yours.  Listen to each other and make connections to build a lasting relationship of love and respect.

Encourage your child(ren) to be active.  Play outside, go to the park, walk to a neighbor's house or the store.  Exercise relieves stress and makes you happier and healthier.  Doing these things together also gives you time to bond and interact without your child(ren) in new ways.

Study Skills to Help Students

  1. Attend class and arrive on time. Students who are in class do better than those who are absent.
  2. Focus your attention in class and while studying.  Concentrate on what you are doing.
  3. Be an active learner in class and while studying.  Participate in class discussions and underline or circle key points when studying notes.
  4. Come to class prepared to learn each day with all supplies (paper, pencils, etc.) and a positive attitude.
  5. Don’t sit around and watch the clock at the end of class.  Use the time to read one more page or finish one more problem.
  6. Always label your work and notes with the date, subject, and page number so you can find information quickly when you need to review.
  7. Take your time to do each assignment correctly the first time so that you don’t have to redo it.
  8. Make sure your work is accurate and neat but don’t be a perfectionist.  It’s not sensible to waste time picking over mistakes that only you notice.
  9. When you have to read a selection and answer questions about it (like on FCAT), read the questions first so that you can read the selection with purpose.
  10. If you need help, don’t be afraid to admit it.  Asking for help when you need it is one of the best ways to be a successful student.
  11. Homework isn’t something you do when you have time.  Homework is a powerful tool that helps you master important skills and knowledge.
  12. Review your class notes before you start your homework.  A quick review will refresh your memory and make doing homework easier.
  13. Limit phone calls, text messages, and computer time on school nights until after homework is finished.  This gives friends time to do their homework too.
  14. Take a short break from your homework every 15-20 minutes. Get up and move around but stay away from the television, computer, and phone.
  15. Study the most difficult or boring subjects first. You will find it easier to do them well when you aren’t tired.
  16. Don’t stay up too late on school nights.  You need to have enough rest so that you’re not sleepy in class.
  17. Gather your school things at night and put them by the door.  This way you can grab them on your way out and make sure you don’t forget anything.

 Top Ten Things Teachers Wish Parents Would Do

  1. Be involved. Parent involvement helps students learn, improves schools, and helps teachers work with you to help your children succeed.
  2. Provide resources at home for learning. Utilize your local library, and have books and magazines available in your home. Read with your children each day.
  3. Set a good example. Show your children by your own actions that you believe reading is both enjoyable and useful. Monitor television viewing and the use of videos and game systems.  
  4. Encourage students to do their best in school. Show your children that you believe education is important and that you want them to do their best.  
  5. Value education and seek a balance between schoolwork and outside activities. Emphasize your children's progress in developing the knowledge and skills they need to be successful both in school and in life. 
  6. Recognize factors that take a toll on students' classroom performance:
    • Consider the possible negative effects of long hours at after-school jobs or in extracurricular activities. Work with your children to help them maintain a balance between school responsibilities and outside commitments.
    • View drinking and excessive partying as serious matters. While most parents are concerned about drug abuse, many fail to recognize that alcohol, over-the-counter drugs, and common substances used as inhalants are more frequently abused than illegal drugs. 
  7. Support school rules and goals. Take care not to undermine school rules, discipline, or goals.
  8. Use pressure positively. Encourage children to do their best, but don't pressure them by setting goals too high or by scheduling too many activities.
  9. Call teachers early if you think there's a problem while there is still time to solve it. Don't wait for teachers to call you.  
  10. Accept your responsibility as parents. Don't expect the school and teachers to take over your obligations as parents. Teach children self-discipline and respect for others at home -- don't rely on teachers and schools to teach these basic behaviors and attitudes.